MEMENTO (2000)
ThrillerDramaWill's Stamp of ApprovalNigel's ChoiceDave B's Must SeesRob RecommendsMurder MysteryThe Beck-fast ClubTara's Midnight MoviesRecommended
Leonard Shelby's wife has been brutally murdered, and he is obsessed by the need to find out why and exact revenge; But Shelby's search is impeded by his short term memory loss, never really knowing whom he can trust, or indeed who he knows, and having to resort to the desperate measure of tattooing his body with clues as the only reliable way of holding onto any evidence he's garnered. 'Memento' is an awesome psychological thriller, riddled with deceit and betrayal, your chances of guessing the end are pretty goodÂ… because that's where the film starts, but it's a twisted genius who can guess how you are going to get there......