• Film ID:
  • 20238
  • Availability:
  • DVD Available from Shop
  • Film cert:
  • Running time:
  • DVD=102 min.
  • Nationality(ies):
  • America.
  • Primary Language(s):
  • English.

You are probably not going to see this film for riveting story-lines and in depth character studies. The RE series has about action and fun sequences. Leaving aside all the ridiculous plot points and lazy screen writing, the editing of this movie is going to become legendary for it's awfulness. I've never seen a full budgeted movie get hacked up so poorly that the expensive action scenes are pretty much butchered to the max. This movie needs to be studied in film school for how NOT to edit a movie. Every single action is shot with countless shakes, moves, and camera switches. A simple action of, say, putting away your knife, takes 3- 4 camera edits. I was counting them by 15 minutes in per shot. It was insane. A fight sequence will be nothing but a countless series of quick edits form close up, medium and far away shots mashed together so it's impossible to follow what's going on. Shaky cam is one thing, but this is shaky cam plus strobe effect editing. Every single punch or shot requires 4-6 edits and quick cuts. It will give you a headache to figure out what's happening in any fight or sequence. Even mundane actions like people standing on top of a building looking down takes 5-6 edits and quick cuts? Bring the puke bag. I guess they tried to film some neat locations and the costumes are pretty and sets, but you wont even notice with the multiple edits jarring your eyes. 

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