• Film ID:
  • 8849
  • Availability:
  • VHS - Adv. Booking Required
  • Film cert:
  • Running time:
  • VHS=96 min.
  • Nationality(ies):
  • America.
  • Primary Language(s):
  • English.
A mob-comedy-thriller from former TV director Chubbuck, and not a bad attempt at all for only his second feature film. Ohio investment advisor Kevin (Michael Rapaport) finds his life becoming unexpectedly eventful after the death of the biological father he never knew existed. Discovering that Pop was, in fact, a mafia godfather, Kevin is "persuaded" to pose as a crime boss himself in order to prevent a gang war. Reluctantly joining forces with his new family, headed by Cosa Nostra nutter Christopher Walken, Kevin finds that the strain of becoming an instant gangster is nothing compared to keeping it secret from his own nearest and dearest!
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