• Film ID:
  • 15980
  • Availability:
  • DVD Available from Shop
  • Film cert:
  • Running time:
  • DVD=110 min.
  • Nationality(ies):
  • America.
  • Primary Language(s):
  • English.
Roy Miller is an American soldier assigned to find WMD in post-invasion Iraq. Increasingly aware that the sites that they're being sent to search are empty and could never have been used as storage dumps Miller begins to query the intelligence sources being used, a procedure that throws him into a power struggle between the Pentagon and the CIA over turf and policy. Miller rejects all the limits of his rank in his determination to uncover the truth in this conspiracy action movie that gives a left-wing twist to your standard shoot 'em up flick.
'Bourne-in-Baghdad' the movie.
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