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ALIEN (1979)

Certification18 Our Rating

Much imitated but never equalled, this is the definitive space nightmare. The crew of a commercial spacecraft are stalked by a stowaway, mutating monster of veracious appetite. Weaver puts in a splendidly believable performance as the resourceful Ripley. Taut script and awesome special FX. find out more...
ALIENS (1986)

Certification18 Our Rating

The long-awaited special extended version of the brilliant sequel to the sci-fi classic "Alien". Containing seventeen minutes of extra footage showing the previously unexplained background of the terrifying planet where the Alien has bred and which Officer Ellen Ripley must now return to. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

First Wolfgang Petersen's TV serial was cut to make a highly acclaimed film, nominated for 6 Oscars, but now he has reshot many scenes, added new ones and remastered the sound in order to make a genuine movie. The film follows the crew of a German WW2 U-Boat crew as they co-exist between hunting Allied ships and being prey themselves. The tension, claustrophobia and fear leap out of the screen and the movie successfully avoids any sense of nationalism, a sentiment that would have irredeemably fl find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Set in Johannesburg (more than a welcome change to the usual formulaic Hollywood paradigm whereby LA or New York are not only the backdrop for disaster but act too as the centre-point of planet Earth), An ominous mothership hovers above Johannesburg containing an alien race of insectoid refugees. Derogatively referred to as 'Prawns' by humans they are cordoned off in an apartheid-esque fashion and forced to live a desolate and slum-like existence in the titular District 9. While forcibly relocat find out more...

Certification18 Our Rating

Two London based Irish hitmen await orders in Ye Olde Bruges of picturesque canals, churches and towers in this clever tragicomedy. Ken does the tourist bit while Ray chases skirt and rues the accidental killing of a child on his first and last job. Then Ken gets the word, and it's not what he expected. Meanwhile back in Blighty their gangland boss, Harry, has problems with his anger, his language and keeping his honour. A dark unpredictable tale, original and savvy. find out more...

Certification12 Our Rating

Cobb is a skilled thief in the dangerous art of extraction: stealing valuable secrets from deep within the subconscious mind when at its most vulnerable, during sleep. However, one last job could prove a step too far as his team have to pull off an 'Inception'. Instead of the perfect heist, Cobb and his team of specialists have to pull off the reverse; their task is not to steal an idea but to plant one.
Superior blockbuster fare that will delight some even after repeated viewing, whil find out more...

Certification12 Our Rating

Christopher McCandless is a bright, likable, precociously perceptive, young middle-class college graduate, who, tortured by his dysfunctional childhood, is determined to find a simpler, purer and more harmonious life. He gives away all that he has and sets out across North America, his ultimate goal the perfect isolation of the Alaskan wilderness. Based on real events 'Into The Wild' is beautifully judged, paced and performed; an epic, gloriously visualised road trip and also a moving and though find out more...

CertificationPG Our Rating

This is the director's cut of the 1933 classic. It contains several scenes that were originally excised and is taken from a restored archive print. Kong looks as terrifying as ever and there is also a half-hour documentary of celebrating the 60th anniversary of the making of King Kong. Excellent stuff. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Lonely, bullied 12-year-old Oskar fantasises about taking bloody revenge on his tormentors and Eli, his new neighbour, might look 12-years-old too, but she's been that way for rather a long time, and her fantasies involving blood are somewhat different! An unlikely alliance forms between the two in this subtle combination of pre-teen male/female bonding and vampire lore... all set in a snowbound Swedish working class suburb. find out more...

Certification18 Our Rating

A tour de force with a stellar cast, events unfold over the period of just one day as a series of apparently random characters, from a game show host too an ex-boy genius, weave into each others lives through chance, circumstance and even divine intervention. 'Magnolia' is a drama of the highest order with both comic and very dark touches, some fine performances and an absorbingly intricate story line. find out more...