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Certification12 Our Rating

Set in medieval Kyoto, this is an engrossing tale of rape and murder in which contradictory accounts of events are later related from the perspectives of four of those involved. A film which awakened the West to the richness of Japanese cinema. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

A highly acclaimed and influential account of Algeria's turbulent past made in psuedo-documentary style. The tense plot surrounds the rise of nationalist organisations in '54 and the French government's attempts to quell them. This film was the prototype for most political thrillers of the 1970s. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Multi-award winning, critically acclaimed, adored by the public, what more can be said of this film about a fading, ageing wrestler coming to terms with the reality that he has no life outside the ring? Virtually friendless outside of his work, with the closest thing he has to a girlfriend being a stripper who wants to keep 'customer' boundaries, his daughter estranged and disillusioned by his failure to be there, his home a trailer and his body a total mess... find out more...