Originally released in 1988, the wait is over for the UK release of this anime classic, superb animated feature from the Studio Ghibli studio (Miyazaki's animation stable). What sets this film apart from the fantastical films made in the tradition of his peers, it its historical and emotional realism. The focus in Takahata's film is on the story of its two young protagonists, brother and sister Seita and Setsuko, as they flee the destruction of their home and family after the American firebombin
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CertificationPG Our Rating
Princess Mononoke was raised by wolves and sounds an awful lot like Baz Luhrmann's ill-fated Juliet. Critically acclaimed, this is one of the biggest manga films of recent years. When a young warrior sets out to find the cure to an illness that is threatening his life he comes across a host of characters that must all fight against gods present in the forests. Mononoke leads the animal gods and the film is clearly an allegory demonstrating the struggle between man and nature through stunning
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CertificationPG Our Rating
Chihiro is moving to the country with her family, and she's not happy, but before they even reach their new home they come to a dark and foreboding tunnel gateway. Victim to her father's curiosity Chihiro finds herself in a fantastical world, a bath house for the Gods ruled by a sinister sorceress. Chipper, brave and resourceful Chihiro must begin a journey to save those dearest to her and return to the land which she knows. Spirited Away is mesmerising, the imagination and uniqueness of the sto
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