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AMADEUS (1984)

CertificationPG Our Rating

An award winning film full of baroque splendour. The talented composer Antonio Salieri found himself in competition with Mozart, a genius, and he couldn't understand why God favored such a vulgar creature to be his instrument. Salieri turned into a hate-filled monster, whose aim in life became to ruin his colleague, but he emerges as a tragic and sympathetic character. He alone could appreciate the perfection of Mozart's music and, perhaps, he speaks up for all of us whose talents fall short of find out more...

Certification18 Our Rating

Lester Burnham (Spacy - giving a sublime performance) is a middle-aged suburbanite lost in a world he doesn't recognise anymore. His job has become meaningless, his wife has turned into a bitch-on-wheels and his rebellious daughter hates his guts. For Lester his only source of enjoyment seems to be choking the chicken in the shower each morning. His lonely existence begins to change, however, when he meets his daughter's friend, Angela and what starts as wishful thinking rapidly ends up with Les find out more...
BEN HUR (1959)

CertificationPG Our Rating

One of the most spectacular epics of all time, even by the standards of Hollywood, the famous twenty minute chariot race alone took three months to shoot, and, along the way, Ben is given a helping hand and converted by Jesus. An unmissable slice of movie history. Won Best Picture at 1959 Academy Awards. find out more...

Certification12 Our Rating

Multi-Oscar-winning tear-jerker with King of Hollywood Hanks as the chump, sorry, Gump in question. As America's best loved bozo, he overcomes his immense naivety to become the hero of a nation, with the help of some ground-breaking computer wizardry. Unashamedly nostalgic feel-good fodder, or reactionary Bush territory �)*&, take your pick. find out more...
GANDHI (1982)

Certification12 Our Rating

The object of this massive tribute died as he had always lived, without wealth, without property, without official title or office. Mahatma Gandhi was not the commander of armies, nor the ruler of vast lands, he could not boast any scientific achievement or artistic gift, yet men, governments, dignitaries from all over the world, have joined hands today to pay homage to the little brown man in the loin cloth who led his country to freedom. This quote is from his funeral, one of the greatest s find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

A great general, victorious in battle and loved by the Roman people, Maximus finds himself enslaved by the twisted and psychopathic emperor to be, Commodus. The proud General is reduced to a common gladiator, but his extraordinary prowess in the Arena brings him back to Rome and a vengeful showdown with Commodus. Gladiator is an entertaining action epic, with all the grandeur and heroic angst of classics such as "Spartacus" that it seeks to emulate. find out more...

CertificationPG Our Rating

'High Noon' works on many levels; the second-to-none screenplay, the subtle direction, the clock, Gary Cooper's Oscar-winning performance... It's about a small town sheriff who must basically stand alone to defend the people from a wild gang of outlaws, who have just been let out of jail and will arrive on the noon train. Although he does not have to, and the town does not deserve saving, Cooper decides that he will do the job that he was hired to do. A classic amongst Westerns, it strips the ge find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

An arrogant bright black Northern homicide detective travelling via a small Mississippi town becomes involved in a murder investigation after a local industrialist is found dead. Engaged in a clash of wills with the local racist cop the two eventually develop a mutual respect. Won Best Picture at 1967 Academy Awards. find out more...

CertificationU Our Rating

Multi-Oscar winning romantic comedy that has Gable as the poor but honest hack who meets the snobbish, spoilt Colbert as she buses across the USA. He attempts to get through to her, and the byplay between the two stars is a model of skilful direction. Touching and funny in equal measure. Won five Academy Awards at the 1934 Oscars. find out more...

CertificationPG Our Rating

An awesome film that probes the conflicts between morality and the law. When is a man merely following orders and when does he become responsible for the consequences of his actions? Using the post-war trials of four German judges accused of legalising Nazi atrocities Kramer creates a fasinating exploration of human responsibility.

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