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Certification15 Our Rating

Certification15 Our Rating

Episode 17: Cutbacks. Liz is willing to do anything to avoid cutbacks at T.G.S., while Jack is forced to fire his personal assistant and hire Kenneth as his part-time assistant.
Episode 18: Jackie Jormp-Jomp. Jack tries to turn an accidental obituary for Jenna into a marketing opportunity for her Janis Joplin-based biopic. Meanwhile Liz makes friends with a group of single women while away from work for sexual harassment.
Episode 19: The Ones. Jack has second thoughts about marrying find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Liz Lemon, (Tina Fey) is the head writer on a variety series on NBC Studios. With the Jack Donaghy as Vice President of East Coast Television, played by Alec Baldwin, Series four sustains the same standard that has maintained it so far with plenty of exceptional moments. The characters are still all hugely dysfunctional and written with enormous affection and comic effect. The situations beautifully constructed. This set contains all the episodes from the show’s fourth series.

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Certification12 Our Rating

Scrooge is a miserly old businessman in 1840's London. One Christmas Eve he is visited by the ghost of Marley, his dead business partner. Marley foretells that Scrooge will be visited by three spirits, each of whom will attempt to show Scrooge the error of his ways. Will Scrooge reform his ways in time to celebrate Christmas?
Well-received version of an extremely familiar morality tale.

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Certification12 Our Rating

Bill Hicks has become emblematic as the rebel, post-punk, chain-smoking comedian whose career was so unfortunately cut short by cancer. This top-notch documentary details the life of the man told by those who knew him best.
There's a wealth of material here and photo-animation is imaginatively deployed using stills from his earlier life to recreate poignant moments. Alongside the 102 minute film are loads of extras; 30 minutes of unseen footage, 3 hours of extended interviews, his audio j find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

A little Reaganite romance about a dashing fighter pilot and a simple girl from the town. It's tough trying to make it at pilot training school, but then Richi is just so hunky.... find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Bill Bailey's Part Troll tour was a huge success playing over 60 dates throughout the country. This DVD, filmed at the Hammersmith Apollo, captures one of the country's best and most original stand ups at the top of his hairy, left field game. find out more...

Certification12 Our Rating

Bill Bailey doing what he does best, waxing lyrical about the everyday bizarre, and strumming, tinkling or hooting musically to bring home the point, which may well have moved on from the original point and bare little or no relevance to the observation originally made. A good-natured quirky comedy delight that falls short of genius by the very nature of its cosy likeableness. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

A compilation tape of the tragically deceased comedian at his most outrageous best. Taken from a selection of 1991 American cable footage, this is truly the irreverent one in his raw and raucous prime. A must for all Bill fans. find out more...

Certification18 Our Rating

Hicks's acerbic and caustic sense of humour spares no blushes. Everything from religion to anti-smoking campaigners gets the treatment. Hicks's talent is to make you feel as if everything is your fault, and you ought to pay for it! Very OTT and always well observed. find out more...