The film opens with shots of a prosperous town and its stately avenues of rich mens' houses, all placidly awaiting the start of the country club season, as the venomously honeyed voice of an unseen female narrator begins spinning a web of speculation and suspicion round three married women, shortly to be completed by their receipt of a poisonous letter indicating that the narrator has run away with one of their husbands. With the three wives trapped for the day supervising a children's picnic find out more...
A successful actress employs a woman in exchange for her flattery, only to find her employee is scheming her way to the top at her own expense. An intelligent, bitchy script complements the fine acting, making this one of Time Out's top 100 films of all time. Won Best Picture at 1950 Academy Awards.
find out more...The classic anti-war film of the classic anti-war book. The story follows a group of naive young patriots from school in Germany through the horrors of WW1 and their gradual annihilation in the trenches. As the angry, bewildered boys witness death and mutilation all around them, all ideas about "the enemy" and the "rights and wrongs" of the conflict disappear. This is highlighted in the scene where Paul mortally wounds a French soldier and then weeps bitterly as he fights to save his life whi find out more...