Live-action adaptation of the classic story of a wooden puppet named Pinocchio who comes to life. This is a largely faithful, visually neat adaptation of Collodi's classic of children's literature. Talented director Matteo Garrone (Il Racconto dei Racconti, Dogman, L'Imbalsamatore) keeps the darker side of his imagination at bay and correctly puts his visual talent in service of the story. Performances ar find out more...
Told in three chapters we follow the young dreamer Takaki through his life as cruel winters, cold technology silence and finally adult obligations and responsibility converge to dissipate his idealism and dreams. Beginning with the lyrical image of cherry blossoms falling at five centimetres a second, Makoto Shinkai paints a breathtakingly vivid tableau of you find out more...
Bailey is living the good life on the Michigan farm of his boy, Ethan and Ethan's wife Hannah. He even has a new playmate: Ethan and Hannah's baby granddaughter, CJ. The problem is that CJ's mom, Gloria, decides to take CJ away. As Bailey's soul prepares to leave this life for a new one, he makes a promise
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As a puppy, Bella finds her way into the arms of Lucas, a young man who gives her a good home. When Bella becomes separated from Lucas, she soon finds herself on an epic 400-mile journey to reunite with her beloved owner. Along the way, the lost but spirited dog touches the lives of an orphaned mountain lion, a down-on-his-luck veteran and some friendly strangers who happen to cross her path.
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