Japanese drama written and directed by Hirokazu Koreeda. The film follows Shinoda Ryota (Hiroshi Abe), a former writer now working for a private detective agency and struggling to move on with his life. When his wife Kyoko (Yôko Maki) leaves him and his father passes away, Shinoda develops a serious gambling addiction and is forbidden from seeing his son Shingo (Taiyô Yoshizawa) until he catches up on missed child support payments. However, with his life find out more...
In the build-up to the 1972 US elections, Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward investigated what seemed to be a minor break-in at the Democratic Party headquarters, the editor of the Post was prepared to run with the story and assigned Woodward and Carl Bernstein to it. Their painstaking research found the trail leading higher and higher in the Republican Party and, eventually, into the White House itself and led to the downfall of Nixon. An intelligent and exciting dramatic reconstruction.< find out more...