The NSA's illegal surveillance techniques are leaked to the public by one of the agency's employees, Edward Snowden, in the form of thousands of classified documents distributed to the press.
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2001 A SPACE ODYSSEY (1968)
CertificationU Our Rating
Like wow, lets drop some acid (older members may remember what that was) and watch the pyschedelic sequence. To boldly go were no man has..... whoops wrong movie.
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Certification15 Our Rating
Set in Orange County, California, in an age where America has lost its ‘war on drugs', a reluctant undercover cop is ordered to start spying on his friends, the consequence of which is a paranoid journey into the absurd, where identities and loyalties are impossible to decode and even your own motives become unclear. Scanner Darkly is a cautionary tale of drug use based on the novel by Philip K Dick and born of his own experiences. Like a graphic novel come to life, the film uses live action pho
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Certification15 Our Rating
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Certification18 Our Rating
Bob Crane was the star of the hugely successful 1960s TV series "Hogan's Heroes", a man of fine upstanding character until he's befriended by a svengali-like video technician. Together the two men embark on an increasingly dark journey of sexual hedonism that leaves Crane increasingly estranged from reality and, ultimately, dead. Auto Focus is a fascinating film, visually atmospheric, superbly performed by the two leads and an utterly gripping account of one man's decent into addiction.
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Certification15 Our Rating
A stunning visual account of man's struggle for survival in the 21st Century, a time when replicant life forms are beginning to surpass humans not just in intelligence but emotions, raising questions about our concepts of self. A post-modern sci-fi classic, THE great Hollywood movie of the '80s, the last great pre-computer film done with smoke-and-mirrors SFX and the definitive cult arthouse Sci-Fi film. This is the second version re-edited by Ridley Scott; all the good bits remain, with the onl
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Certification15 Our Rating
Based on Philip K Dick's "Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?" this is a stunning visual account of man's struggle for survival in the 21st Century, a time when robot life forms are beginning to surpass humans in not just intelligence but emotions, raising questions about our concepts of self. This is Ridley Scott's final version of this post-modern sci-fi classic; all the good bits remain, with the only differences being the lack of narration, the downbeat ending, and the blink-and-miss-it dre
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Certification15 Our Rating
A stunning visual account of man's struggle for survival in the 21st Century, a time when replicant life forms are beginning to surpass humans not just in intelligence but emotions, raising questions about our concepts of self. A post-modern sci-fi classic, THE great Hollywood movie of the '80s, the last great pre-computer film done with smoke-and-mirrors SFX and the definitive cult arthouse Sci-Fi film. This is the originally released version with no unicorns in a dream, a voiceover to keep y
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Certification15 Our Rating
A chance for fans of the Bladerunner experience (and aren't we all?) to see the first ever cut of Ridley Scott's dystopian masterpiece. This workprint represents the pre-theatrical release version that offers some alternative footage and includes the voice-over narration long absent from DVD and video. An interesting companion to the final, original and director's cuts.
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Certification15 Our Rating
Chronicles the life and times of Nucky Thompson, the undisputed ruler of Atlantic City, who was equal parts politician and gangster. High production values and a fine ensemble cast: HBO knows how to do TV.