Frank Capra's classic bittersweet drama about George Bailey (James Stewart), a small town businessman who has long considered himself a failure. Things come to a head one Christmas Eve in 1946, when facing financial ruin and arrest he contemplates suicide. Standing on a bridge and ready to jump George's fate now rests in the hands of an Angel eager to earn his wings. It's a Wonderful Life is widely considered to be one of the finest films ever made, it is certainly one of the greatest f find out more...
It's the off-season at the lonely Beauregard Hotel in Bournemoth, and only the long-term tenants are still in residence. Life is stirred up, however, when the beautiful Ann Shankland arrives to see her alcoholic ex-husband, John Malcolm, who is secretly engaged to Pat Cooper, the woman who runs the hotel. Meanwhile, snobbish Mrs Railton-Bell discovers that the kindly if rather doddering Major Pollock, played by David Niven, who won an Oscar for his performance, a retired officer who likes to find out more...
Lemmon is an ambitious young corporate executive who finds promotion comes his way most easily by lending out his flat for his superiors to pursue their extra-marital affaires. It all gets too much when a jilted Maclaine attempts suicide in his flat and he has to take the blame. A comedy classic. Won Best Picture at 1960 Academy Awards.
find out more...Charming romantic comedy with Grant perfectly cast as angel sent to help a cash-strapped young bishop whose efforts to build a new cathedral are wrecking his marriage. But everything goes pear-shaped when the gorgeous young wife falls for the celestial saviour played by Cary Grant - a perfect bit of casting. Nominated for 5 Oscars. Remade as 'The Preacher's Wife' with Denzel Washington in 1996.
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