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Certification12 Our Rating

It's new years eve 1999 and Lord Blackadder confides to his friends that he has built a time machine and, accepting a challenge from those assembled he agrees to go back into the past, collecting famous artifacts from the various periods. A thinly veiled excuse to play with all the eras that the original Blackadder series didn't get a chance to cover, Back and Forth is a one off edition and if your a fan it's got to be worth a gander. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

The fourth series of Blackadder sees him as a Captain in the trenches of World War One, with Baldrick as his dogsbody. In "Captain Cook" Blackadder volunteers to be a war artist. In "Corporal Punishment" he faces the death squad after killing a pigeon. In "Major Star" he has to put on a Music Hall show. In "Private Plane" he volunteers to be trained as a pilot by Rik Mayall. In "General Hospital" he has to uncover a spy in the wardrooms. In "Goodbyeee" the final big push is looming too close find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

1905; Chinese revolutionary Sun Yen (good guy) intends to journey to British run Hong Kong to further plans for a revolt against the dying Qing dynasty, but the Empress Dowager Cixi (bad person) sends assassins who bump off, or kidnap, his colleagues. However local HK businessman Li Yutang (good guy) rallies an ad hoc mixture of rickshaw boys, street traders and beggars to thwart them and provide safe passage for Sun Yen. So there you are you now know who the good guys are in this stunning act find out more...

Certification18 Our Rating

The true story of Bloomsbury Set darling Dora Carrington and her doomed love for Lytton Strachey who, though charming, was quite obviously a screaming homosexual. Well crafted with a sumptuously authentic feel, this is a must for literary vultures. find out more...

CertificationPG Our Rating

CHAPLIN (1992)

Certification15 Our Rating

Robert Downey Jnr demonstrates his prowess by giving a riveting performance as the little master. The cast delivers despite a disjointed narrative, and Chaplin's fall from grace, brought down by McCarthyism is very moving. Kevin Kline is excellent as the flamboyant Fairbanks Jnr. find out more...
CHERI (2009)

Certification15 Our Rating

Set during the Belle Epoque, a turn of the century period before the social excesses of the ruling classes were eclipsed by WW1, this period drama, adapted from Colette's infamous novel, portrays the, possibly autobiographical, story of an elderly courtesan's seduction and tutelage of the handsome 19-year-old lad of the title. find out more...

Certification12 Our Rating

CertificationU Our Rating

A landmark in the history of the cinema; it was ranked Number 1 in the American Film Institute's 100 greatest films of all time in two polls (1998 and 2007) of more than 1,500 film industry movers and shakers and again by UK directors in a BFI poll. "Citizen Kane" narrates the rise and fall of a newspaper tycoon driven by a childhood obssession and is loosely based round the life of William Randolph Hurst, who tried to have it banned, but incorporates elements from the lives of other fat cats il find out more...

Certification12 Our Rating

Abandoned by her father and brought up in an orphanage Gabrielle Chanel's early years were not easy ones, but her willful determination, intelligence and obvious gift would see her ultimately rise to iconic status within the world of 20th Century fashion. 'Coco Before Chanel' never glamorises her life, neither the way she looks nor the lovers she takes; a thoughtful understated observation of Chanel's life before fortune finally beckoned. Not a visually sumptuous film, as you might expect, but a find out more...