• Film ID:
  • 13307
  • Availability:
  • DVD Available from Shop
  • Film cert:
  • Running time:
  • DVD=120 min.
  • Nationality(ies):
  • America.
  • Primary Language(s):
  • English.
(Episodes 1-5)
Series 5 of the genius American sitcom split across four disks. Episodes comprise:1. The Mango - Kramer gets banned from his local fruit store, Jerry is shocked to learn that Elaine faked orgasms with him and George discovers the aphrodisiac qualities of the mango.2. The Glasses - George is convinced he has seen Jerry's girlfiend swapping saliva with someone else. He wasn't wearing his glasses...3.The Puffy Shirt - Jerry unwittingly commits to wear Kramers low-talking girlfriend's 'pirate' designer shirt for a TV ppearance.4. The Sniffing Accountant - When Jerry becomes convinced his accountant is a coke fiend Kramer sets out on a sting to expose him. George interviews for a job as a bra salesman.5. The Bris - Jerry and Elaine agree to be godparents to their friends' new baby boy. The mohel the employ perform the bris does not inspire confidence...
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