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Certification15 Our Rating

Harvey Pekar lives the life most of us dream of avoiding, a filing clerk by day, a man at odds with, and lost in, the world he inhabits the other sixteen hours. Harvey begins to write down his disgruntled observations and with the help of equally cantankerous illustrator, Harry Crumb, ‘American Splendor' is born. This movie of the man's life is an inspired mixture of animation, documentary and dramatisation, with Paul Giamatti finally getting a role worth his talent. Funny, sad, sharp and hip to find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

After the 11th September 2001 the War Against Terror is preparing to move on to Iraq. The UN have sent in the weapons inspectors to find if Saddam has indeed Weapons of Mass Destruction and the political machines in both the UK and US are working to present the strongest possible case for war in the face of (in the UK) very vocal opposition from the public. With the dossiers released and the threat established the "need for war" is set and, on the 19th March 2003, th find out more...

Certification12 Our Rating

Vera Drake, is one of the kindest, most selfless individuals any right thinking person could hope to meet, the mother of two grown up children, the wife of a loving husband, she works as a cleaner and is the epitome of a warm hearted decency. Vera is not just devoted to her family however, in the little spare time available to her she helps young girls terminate unwanted pregnancies and, though she takes no payment, this is 1950s Britain and the consequences for her actions, should she be discov find out more...