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Certification15 Our Rating

David Lean's epic romance set against the turbulant backdrop of the Russian revolution. One man's struggle for moral political and personal survival amidst the complex web of intrigue and tangled loyalties that accompanied the fall of the Tsar.

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CertificationPG Our Rating

Encounter of three social classes in England at the beginning of the century; the capitalists, the Wilcoxes, whose only god is money, consider themselves as aristocrats, the enlightened bourgeois Schlegels and the proletarian Basts. The Schlegel sisters' humanism will be torn apart as they try both to softly knock down the Wilcox's prejudices and to help the Basts. Essentially the same story as Room With A View, nobody marries beneath their station and class is everything, but with a distinct el find out more...

CertificationU Our Rating

Chaplin's last American film is a masterful meditation on the highs and lows of fame. Set in London in the summer of 1914, Limelight begins with washed-up pantomime performer Calvero (Chaplin) saving young ballerina Thereza (Bloom) from committing suicide and, by the time the credits roll, Chaplin's taken us on a self-flagellating trawl through the highs and lows of success, failure, old age and celebrity. Tackling the sad business of being funny with an unflinching, often sentimental, gaze, Cha find out more...