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CertificationU Our Rating

Like wow, lets drop some acid (older members may remember what that was) and watch the pyschedelic sequence. To boldly go were no man has..... whoops wrong movie. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

An awesome action film that some people rate as the best movie ever made! It's not, but in terms of visual impact and sheer technical wizardry it's hard to beat. It's the near future and nerdy computer hacker Neo (Reeves) is about to discover an alternative reality via a meeting with mysterious rebel warrior Morpheus (Larry Fishburne). Neo learns that life on earth is merely an elaborate farce, a complex computer simulation called The Matrix, and mankind is simply lunch - a source of power for t find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

This movie is about as good as it gets from John Hughes. The plot revolves around the rather farsighted premise (this is 1983, folks!) that a young high school punk hacks into the national defence network (the old internet) and starts off a global nuclear incident. As Cold War paranoia abounds him and his girlfriend have to convince a disbelieving US military that it's all a big mistake. Sounds all a bit hokey, I know, but where the film lifts itself above the normal teen trite Hughes has bee find out more...