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Certification18 Our Rating

Three young Hong Kong hustlers move to Saigon to try and profit, smuggling penicillin and gold, from the war, but their friendship is tested to the limits through greed, betrayal and lust, amid the horrors of a war-torn Vietnam. Comparable to the 'Deer Hunter', this violent epic is the most ambitiously personal and political of John Woo's films, but still comes packed with guns, explosives and balletic action. find out more...

Certification12 Our Rating

Keeping it modern, but taking the man with more lives than an over-subscribed cattery back to his beginnings, we follow the suave thug-in-a-suit as he earns his ‘00' licence to kill status. This Bond is one mean hard-arsed mother and it's nice to see him played by an actor who looks like he can genuinely run without a group of nervous paramedics circling just out of camera shot. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, it's brooding, brutal, dark and replete with some great action sequences, but, as my find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

In a not far off dystopian future women have become infertile and governments have forgotten that Orwell's ‘1984' was supposed to be a searing indictment of what NOT to do. Into this less than hopeful world arrives a young woman who has achieved the miracle of pregnancy, everyone wants the child as a cynical totem for the people, and those planning rebellion are as ruthless as those in power. Finding a reluctant but increasingly determined guardian in the form of Theo, mother and child go in sea find out more...

Certification18 Our Rating

Our hero, repeating his role as the villainous London wide boy Chev, stomps his way round LA looking for the dastardly sod who has nicked his heart and replaced it with a battery run pump that needs regular high-level external electric boosts to keep functioning. A fine, darkly comic, over-the-top, non-stop, action flick, with tongue firmly in cheek and some great set pieces. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

The true WW2 story of how a Jewish group led by the Bielski brothers, including many women, oldies and children, survived for 4 years in the then Polish, now Belorussian, forests, lived in dugouts, built a kitchen, a mill, a bakery, a bathhouse, a medical clinic for the sick and wounded and a quarantine hut for typhus sufferers. The film has rather twisted reality, introducing action and battle scenes that never took place, and totally ignores both the role of the Polish partisans, causing some find out more...

Certification18 Our Rating

Clint Eastwood plays an over-the-top fascist cop prepared to break all the rules in order to nail the "bad guys". Excellent entertainment, oft quoted by US politicians, and a warning to us liberals - keep the buggers under control. find out more...

Certification18 Our Rating

A brutal gripping thriller that finds Vietnam Vet Ray Hicks helping out an old friend by smuggling a stash of heroin into the States. Double-crossed and ambushed Ray barely escapes with his life, a state of affairs his attackers are determined to rectify. Also known as 'Who'll Stop The Rain?', 'Dog Soldiers' is a tight, hard, action adventure with emotional depth and one of the best American films of the late 70's find out more...

CertificationPG Our Rating

Phyllis Dietrichson is trapped in a loveless marriage to a man who inspires in her nothing but contempt, but rather than leave him Phyllis decides to kill him and collect on the insurance policy she's had set up with the help of her lover, and naive partner in crime, insurance salesman Walter Neff. The only flaws in their plan are the company's reluctance to pay out so much, the diligence of Neff's increasingly suspicious colleague, (and his 'little man'), and the exemplary ruthlessness of Ph find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Tobe is a teenage girl in a dysfunctional American family, but one that appears both realistically normal and deeply embedded in suburbia. This is the landscape of Spielberg, but the family, inadequate father, rebellious daughter and quasi-autistic stepson, seems alienated and distant from the world around it. Into this milieu drifts Harlan, a young man whose roots are at least partially fantasised, part cowboy part movie cliche, and whose reality remains unclear. The pair embark on a romance th find out more...

Certification18 Our Rating


Revered Lieutenant-Colonel Roberto Nascimento and his second in command Aspirante Matias are facing tough times within the corrupt political system of Rio de Janeiro. Following the bloody aftermath of a disastrously handled prison riot, Nascimento gets caught in a lethal political dispute that involves not only government officials, but also the find out more...