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Certification18 Our Rating

A brutal gripping thriller that finds Vietnam Vet Ray Hicks helping out an old friend by smuggling a stash of heroin into the States. Double-crossed and ambushed Ray barely escapes with his life, a state of affairs his attackers are determined to rectify. Also known as 'Who'll Stop The Rain?', 'Dog Soldiers' is a tight, hard, action adventure with emotional depth and one of the best American films of the late 70's find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Based on Peter Biskind's revelationary book, Easy Riders Raging Bulls is a gobsmacking and addictive insight into the cocaine fuelled genius of Hollywood's movers, shakers and makers during a period of cinema noted not just for its success but it's willingness to take risks and embrace originality. Though considering the hedonistic behaviour of most involved, it's a miracle they even knew who they were. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

When wealthy John du Pont invites Olympic wrestler Mark Schultz to move to his estate and help form a wrestling team for the 1988 Seoul Olympics, Mark sees a way to step out of the shadow of his charismatic and revered find out more...


Certification15 Our Rating

Certification15 Our Rating

In 1970, a young farmer named Michael Eavis opened his 150-acre farm to 1,500 people who paid one pound each to watch a handful of pop and folk stars perform all weekend long, and the Glastonbury Festival was born. Julien Temple has spent the past few years collecting footage from every single Glastonbury Festival, ranging from outtakes from the film Nicolas Roeg made about the 1971 event to amateur home videos collected from the attendees themselves. Interweaving images of impromptu art happeni find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

A reverential tribute to the wacko and anarchic master-blaster of Gonzo Journalism; from his early days as investigative reporter and writer of 'Hell's Angels', his drug-fueled 'Fear and Loathing' episodes, the '68 Chicago convention, his bid to become sheriff of Aspen, Colorado, his coverage of the 1972 George McGovern campaign and onto his eventual decline as a writer. A must see for anyone interested in finding out more about this unique character who has so enlivened us with his writings. find out more...

Certification18 Our Rating

A fascinating biopic of Francis Bacon, concentrating on his relationship with George Dyer, a burglar whom he caught in his house and promptly seduced, whose amorality and innocence he found attractive and whom he introduced to his Soho pals. Dyer's bouts with depression, his drinking, pill popping and nightmares strain the relationship in this clash between the arty, boozy Soho set and the East End criminal fraternity, as does his pain with Bacon's casual infidelities. Bacon paints and talks wit find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

In 1998 Marco Pantani, the most flamboyant and popular cyclist of his era, won both the Tour de France and Giro d'Italia, a titanic feat of physical and mental endurance that no rider has repeated since. He was a hero to millions, the saviour of professional cycling following the doping scandals which threatened to destroy the sport. However, less than six years later, aged just 34, he died alone, in a cheap Italian hotel room.

This film is not just about cycling but an emotional expl find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Streep and MacLaine give riveting portrayals as the celebrity mother and daughter, who, more alike than they think, battle against both each other and the alcohol and drug induced haze of Hollywood. Supposedly based on the true-life traumas of actress Carrie Fisher and her mum Debbie Reynolds and adapted from Fisher's semi-autobiographical novel. 9 out of 9. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

After a brief introduction, in the 60s, to three young criminals, Lebanese, Ice and Dandy, the film jumps forward to the 70s prison release of Lebanon. It's the birth of a smart and ruthless organization which soon crushes all its rivals assuming total control of the Roman drugs, and other criminal, business. Their progress, and changes in leadership, is viewed over twenty-five years and is inseparably intertwined with the dark history of modern Italy; terrorism, kidnappings and corruption at th find out more...