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Certification15 Our Rating

The most successful British film ever, well back in 1993! Charles is charming witty, good-looking and completely phobic about marriage and committment, until, that is, he meets Carrie at the first of five functions he's due to attend. But can he overcome his public school uptightness before it's too late? Delightful! find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Continental comedy with Meg Ryan as the indignant bride-to-be on the trail of her errant fiancee. Determined to win him back from the French floozie who's pinched him, she jets off to Paris, but soon has the enigmatic Luc (Kevin Kline) attached to her side like a limpet. Superior romantic comedy. find out more...
GHOST (1990)

Certification15 Our Rating

Sam and Molly are in love but tragedy strikes when Sam is murdered. Trapped on earth as a ghost, Sam tries to contact Molly to warn her that she too is in danger, but can only do so through charlatan psychic Oda, Whoopi Goldberg, who hams it up gloriously in abetting the lovers with newly discovered psychic powers. A fast paced comedy and love story. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

The marriage of convenience between sombre New Yorker Bronte and oafish French immigrant George goes off without a hitch until they have to move in together to prove to officials that it's for real. This leads to a weekend of hilarious and unlikely love. One of the classic comedy/romances of today. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Ruby Weaver always has trouble picking the right guy, largely because she seems to think of them as some sort of DIY project, the consequence... one loser after another. When Sam Deed enters her life it would seem Ruby has finally turned the corner, but for all Sam's sweet, thoughtful consideration the revelation that he thinks he's from 400 years in the future may prove a stumbling block. Will she believe this line? Will you believe it? An unusual take on the romantic comedy genre from a direct find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

This con-rom-com follows mother/daughter con-art team Max and Paige as they look for their next willing victim. Having taken Ray Liotta for all he was worth the duo head to Palm Beach, Florida for their final con after the IRS finally catches up with them and empties their bank account. When they get to Florida, Paige is set to break the cardinal rule of conning: Don't fall in love. While her mother is 'seducing' the ultimate target, a sleazy tobacco-tycoon who's indulged in a little too much find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Sidney Young (Simon Pegg) absolutely dispises, yet is completely obsessed by, celebrities and their fabulous lifestyles. After finally blagging his way into a post-BAFTA party (having attempted to do so with a pig posing as 'Babe' no less) in order to write a celebrity expose for his publication, 'The Postmodern Review', he is shocked to find out that his antics have grabbed the attention of the Chief Editor for New York celebrity tabloid 'Sharps' Magazine. Now fully immersed in the world of cel find out more...

CertificationU Our Rating

Hepburn is an art forger's daughter who mistakenly hires a private detective, O'Toole, to steal back one of her dad's creations from a Paris museum display. A romantic comedy.

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IF ONLY (1998)

Certification15 Our Rating

A London-based romantic comedy, inspired by its Spanish screenwriter's own past romantic mishaps. When self-obsessed actor Victor (Douglas Henshall) loses his girlfriend, he's got nobody but himself to blame, but when he discovers she's about to marry someone else, he's desperate to get her back. Some highly unexpected help comes in the form of two Latino dustbin-men who offer him the chance to go back in time and change his own future. For anyone who's ever wondered what might have been, if onl find out more...

Certification12 Our Rating

(sigh) Imagine catching the eye of your true love as you're walking down the aisle...and it's not the person waiting for you at the altar. Love at first sight is the high concept in this charming and witty British romance. Rachel loves her new husband Hector but ever since meeting Luce, the florist at her wedding, their future seems uncertain. Could you give up your entire past for a feeling you're not sure even exists? The cast of well-drawn characters includes a completely likable Hector who y find out more...