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PATTON (2007)

Certification15 Our Rating

A biopic of one of the greatest military geniuses of the 20th Century, Patton, a man who believed he was a warrior in many past lives, but the only Allied general truly feared by the Nazis. The film lays bare the roots of Patton's lust for power in his willingess to sacrifice everything to his vaunting ego, a trait which is mirrored in George C Scott's superb performance. find out more...

CertificationPG Our Rating

Guinness restores the morale of British PoWs by building a bridge which is of military value to the Japanese, and then attempts to thwart the RAF's destruction of it! A classic film which swept 7 Oscars including "Best Picture". find out more...

Certification18 Our Rating

A gangster movie that spawned a million with Coppola on top directorial form and Brando and Pacino at their very best. Brilliantly believable and detailed stories unfold complete in every scene as the movie waltzes to its violent moral climax of living and dying by the sword. find out more...

CertificationPG Our Rating

Don Birnam, long-time alcoholic, has been "on the wagon" for ten days and seems to be over the worst; but his craving has just become more insidious. Evading a country weekend planned by his brother Wick and girlfriend Helen, he begins a four-day bender. In flashbacks, we see past events, all gone wrong because of the bottle, but this bout looks like it's going to be his way or the other. A dark, gritty depiction of the ravages of alcohol and winner of 4 Oscars including Best Actor, B find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Wladyslaw Szpilman is a brilliant Jewish pianist trapped in Poland after the Nazi invasion, managing to avoid deportation to the concentration camps Wladyslaw struggles to survive in the increasingly desperate Warsaw Ghetto, all the while dreaming of the way things used to be. The Pianist is a tour de force, deeply moving, horrific, tragic, thought provoking, the only hope provided by Wladyslaw's intense will to live. Polanski has created a beautiful cinematic masterpiece while Adrien Brody's p find out more...

Certification18 Our Rating

Winner of a frightening number of Oscars (Best Film, Director, Actor, Actress and Adapted Screenplay); a vulnerable FBI rookie is sent to coax much needed information from the monstrous Hannibal "The Cannibal" Lecter in order to stop a killer who skins his victims. Brilliant, terrifying and gripping. find out more...