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AMADEUS (1984)

CertificationPG Our Rating

An award winning film full of baroque splendour. The talented composer Antonio Salieri found himself in competition with Mozart, a genius, and he couldn't understand why God favored such a vulgar creature to be his instrument. Salieri turned into a hate-filled monster, whose aim in life became to ruin his colleague, but he emerges as a tragic and sympathetic character. He alone could appreciate the perfection of Mozart's music and, perhaps, he speaks up for all of us whose talents fall short of find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Nicholson deservedly bagged the Best Actor Oscar for his portrayal of novelist Melvin Udall, a guy who manages to embody pretty much every loathesome charactistic known to man. Melvin seems to hate everybody, but most of all he hates himself. Plagued by manic depression and compulsive behaviour disorders, Melvin rarely leaves his apartment except to visit his favourite eaterie, where he insults all who cross his path. Only his long-suffering favourite waitress seems to be the only person in the find out more...