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Certification15 Our Rating

Al Gore finds life after the politically crushing embarrassment that was his tenure as vice president and, frankly, it's unlikely he will experience another point as high as his achievement in this profound, engaging and, mercifully, clear documentary on the consequences of our complacent greed. That ‘An Inconvenient Truth' provides little in the way of true revelations pertaining to the earth's (humanity's) looming ecological demise, and ignores some of the more profound problems of trapped car find out more...

CertificationPG Our Rating

The extraordinary life of Jean Dominique, an educated Haitian who ran Radio Haiti, which, by broadcasting the truth, provided the focus of opposition to various venomous and corrupt regimes, Papa Doc, Baby Doc, the US run military et al, across a period of over 30 years. Jean is a charismatic protagonist, his personal history colourful not only for his long, evidently satisfying career, his family and his similarly courageous and committed wife Michèle Montas, but for how it intersects with and find out more...

CertificationE Our Rating

Winner of the 2003 Grierson Awards for Best International Documentary and Best Newcomer. "When a coup was launched in April 2002 against Hugo Chavez, the elected President of Venezuela, some young Irish filmmakers were lucky enough to be on hand to witness the events. They were actually inside the Presidential Palace - a filmmakers' dream - when the soldiers came to take Chavez away. But they were also there 48 hours later when the same soldiers switched sides reinstalling the president. The res find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

A hard-hitting case against Wal-Mart, the market leader amongst American supermarkets, who've taken up the cause of destroying the soul of small town America by setting up huge warehouses just outside city limits, in order to avoid taxes, and undercutting the business of all those small shopkeepers who've hitherto provided the rationale of the town centre. Charges against Wal-Mart include vicious union busting, exploitation of undocumented workers, outsourcing to inhumane factories abroad, racia find out more...

CertificationPG Our Rating

General Motors EV-1 electric car was a revelation, a non-fossil fuel form of transport that offered a genuine alternative to the gasoline guzzlers that choke America's roads. So why were they all sent to the knackers' yard? 'Who Killed The Electric Car?' is a fascinating, sad and scarily predictable tale of the oil industry's determination to keep profits up regardless of the short and long term global consequences. find out more...