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Certification18 Our Rating

Lester Burnham (Spacy - giving a sublime performance) is a middle-aged suburbanite lost in a world he doesn't recognise anymore. His job has become meaningless, his wife has turned into a bitch-on-wheels and his rebellious daughter hates his guts. For Lester his only source of enjoyment seems to be choking the chicken in the shower each morning. His lonely existence begins to change, however, when he meets his daughter's friend, Angela and what starts as wishful thinking rapidly ends up with Les find out more...
GANDHI (1982)

Certification12 Our Rating

The object of this massive tribute died as he had always lived, without wealth, without property, without official title or office. Mahatma Gandhi was not the commander of armies, nor the ruler of vast lands, he could not boast any scientific achievement or artistic gift, yet men, governments, dignitaries from all over the world, have joined hands today to pay homage to the little brown man in the loin cloth who led his country to freedom. This quote is from his funeral, one of the greatest s find out more...

Certification18 Our Rating

The world as a lunatic asylum. Jack Nicholson plays the anarchist determined to challenge the smug system of authority and obedience that rule the roost. The first film by Czech dissident Forman after migrating from Czechoslovakia to the United States, and a superb comment on society! Won Best Picture plus others at 1975 Academy Awards. find out more...

CertificationPG Our Rating

Guinness restores the morale of British PoWs by building a bridge which is of military value to the Japanese, and then attempts to thwart the RAF's destruction of it! A classic film which swept 7 Oscars including "Best Picture". find out more...