Currently Selected: 1950s Rob Recommends
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Certification15 Our Rating

Set in the 50s, and adapted from the critically acclaimed 1961 book of the same name by Richard Yates, this is a tale of a couple trying to free themselves from their conformist suburban Connecticut lifestyle, where living the 'American Dream' has become akin to a lifeless existence. find out more...

Certification18 Our Rating

The film version of Kurt Vonnegut Jr's famous anti-war sci-fi novel. Slipping back and forth along his own life line a suburban optometrist experiences the fire bombing of Dresden and captivity on the planet Trafalmardore. A powerful and seemingly unfilmable book that turned out to be a great movie. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Against a backdrop of snow and racism in the immediate post-war USA, a young ethnic Japanese is charged with murdering a fellow fisherman off the Pacific coast. By clever use of flashback a tale of love won and lost is revealed. Superb cinematography makes this enigmatic tragedy from the director of "Shine" truly memorable. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

A highly acclaimed and influential account of Algeria's turbulent past made in psuedo-documentary style. The tense plot surrounds the rise of nationalist organisations in '54 and the French government's attempts to quell them. This film was the prototype for most political thrillers of the 1970s. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

1939; Edward Wilson starts a career in intelligence and covert operations as a consequence of his silver spoon background and American military involvement in WW2. 1961; now Wilson ruthlessly organises programmes that involve the deaths of many, seems incapable of having a relationship with a woman that doesn't involve destroying her, his marriage is a career enhancing loveless and hollow affair, he betrays most who know him, including his family, and this sale of his soul - all in the name of p find out more...

CertificationPG Our Rating

When Waring Hudsucker, head of hugely successful Hudsucker Industries, commits suicide his board of directors, led by Sidney Mussberger, come up with a brilliant plan to make a lot of money: appoint a moron to run the company and, when the stock falls low enough, buy it up, take over the company and restore its fortunes. They choose idealistic Norville Barnes, who just started in the mail room, and Norville is whacky enough to drive any company to ruin, but he comes up with a brilliant idea... ' find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

It's the early 50s in Argentina and two middle class medical students decide to make a journey across their largely unknown continent. While on this eight month travel one of the men begins his own journey from privileged ignorance to iconic revolutionary, the birth of Che Guevara has begun. The Motorcycle Diaries is a breathtakingly beautiful film, beginning as a whimsical, idiosyncratic and often humorous adventure and gradually expanding into a powerful and deeply moving drama. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Germany, 1954; teenager Michael Berg becomes ill on his way home and is helped by Hanna, a taciturn, but attractive woman twice his age. When recovered Michael returns to her apartment to thank the stranger for her kindness he swiftly finds himself involved in a furtive, impassioned affair. As this relationship intensifies Michael discovers Hanna's love of being read to. When Hanna disappears without a trace the young lad is left confused and bereft. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Adapted from a story by Stephen King, this is the best prison movie you'll ever see. A city banker's life is changed forever when he receives a double life sentence in the notorious Shawshank prison. Freeman is superb as the old-timer who befriends him. A powerfully uplifting tale with a twist. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

George Smiley, a recently retired MI6 agent, struggles to adjust to life outside the secret service. However, when a disgraced agent reappears with information concerning a mole, Smiley is drawn back into the murky field of espionage. Tasked with investi find out more...