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CertificationU Our Rating

Like wow, lets drop some acid (older members may remember what that was) and watch the pyschedelic sequence. To boldly go were no man has..... whoops wrong movie. find out more...

Certification12 Our Rating

David Fincher seemed an odd choice when it was announced a film was to be made charting the early years of Mark Zuckerberg's creation of Facebook. Who could have predicted that partnered with writing ace Aaron Sorkin they could create a modern masterpiece of drama? 'The Social Network' is just that; compelling, relevant, insightful and hugely entertaining. Eisenberg's performance is a marvel in itself, creating a repulsive sociopath who is simultaneously hugely sympathetic, while the Winklevoss find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Our Austrian hero with the long name is superbly menacing in this brilliant, violent thriller as a man and a robot killing machine come back from the future to decide the future of the planet, us or them? find out more...