• Film ID:
  • 11231
  • Availability:
  • DVD Available from Shop
  • Film cert:
  • Running time:
  • DVD=102 min.
  • Nationality(ies):
  • Britain.
  • Primary Language(s):
  • English.
Adam and his friends are youth at its most hedonistic, reared in the upper echlons of British society they are the first of their class to indulge every whim in full view of the public eye, and the booming press love them for it. This relentless and unfocused pursuit of pleasure ultimately begins to implode on the ‘Bright Young Things' and a series of self induced, and outside, events conspire to force the remnants of the group to re-evaluate their lives. Bright Young Things is adapted from Evelyn Waugh's "Vile Bodies" and while it looks glorious and has some delicious dialogue, it lacks the darker heart of the book and therefore some of its soul.
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