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Certification15 Our Rating

Low-key biopic of graffiti vandal turned New York darling Jean-Michel Basquiat. Catapulted to art-world super-stardom after a chance meeting with Andy Warhol, the obscene amounts of money his paintings suddenly command soon sends him down the slippery slope of big-time drug abuse. Enthralling. find out more...

Certification12 Our Rating

An artful documentary about the life of Daniel Johnson, singer/songwriter, artist, cartoonist and general artistic genius, but a man sadly afflicted with a severe mental illness that makes him totally self-delusional and an occasional danger to both himself and others. Daniel, raised in a Christian fundamentalist family in deepest West Virginia, amongst many of his fantasies, sees Devils everywhere, and with his overblown self-importance, not helped by his legions of admirers, vying with his low find out more...