• Film ID:
  • 11927
  • Availability:
  • DVD Available from Shop
  • Film cert:
  • Running time:
  • DVD=102 min.
  • Nationality(ies):
  • South Korea.
  • Primary Language(s):
  • Korean.
PHONE (2004)
After blowing the lid off of a local sex scandal, young reporter Ji-won is tormented by a series of disturbing phone calls, she changes her number but things just seem to get worse, and after answering one of these calls her best friend's infant daughter Young-Joo becomes aggressive towards her mother and all too familiar with her father. To try and unravel the cause of Young-Joo's behaviour and the nuisance calls Ji-Won delves into the dark history of the phone number and finds a mystery that forces her to confront those closest to her. As we have come to expect from the boys at Tartan, Phone is a superior horror that delivers subtle chills and scares even if it offers nothing that we haven't seen before (cue scary hair, demonic children and lots of rain). It is beautifully shot and well scripted but what makes this film stand out is the performance of the young actress playing Young-Joo, rarely has a child actor showed such range and intensity, she's worth the rental fee all on her own.
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